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Evaluation Title | Program Type | References |
Caughy 2004 | Healthy Steps (eECB) | Caughy, Margaret O’Brien, Keng-Yen Huang, Therese Miller, and Janice L. Genevro. "The effects of the Healthy Steps for Young Children Program: Results from observations of parenting and child development." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2004): 611-630. |
Caughy 2004 | Family Check-Up (sECB) | Caughy, Margaret O’Brien, Keng-Yen Huang, Therese Miller, and Janice L. Genevro. "The effects of the Healthy Steps for Young Children Program: Results from observations of parenting and child development." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19, no. 4 (2004): 611-630. |
Cave 1993 i | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) | Cave, George. "JOBSTART. Final Report on a Program for School Dropouts." (1993). |
Cave 1993 i | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAEM) | Cave, George. "JOBSTART. Final Report on a Program for School Dropouts." (1993). |
Cave 1993 i | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) | Cave, George. "JOBSTART. Final Report on a Program for School Dropouts." (1993). |
Cave 1993 i | Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula (sAEM) | Cave, George. "JOBSTART. Final Report on a Program for School Dropouts." (1993). |
Centro de Microdatos 2008 | Job training with other services (eAE) | Centro de Microdatos. Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Formación en Oficios para Jóvenes de Escasos Recursos, ejecución 2005 (2008) |
Centro de Microdatos 2008 | Job training with other services (eAEM) | Centro de Microdatos. Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Formación en Oficios para Jóvenes de Escasos Recursos, ejecución 2005 (2008) |
Centro de Microdatos 2008 | Job training with other services (eAF) | Centro de Microdatos. Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Formación en Oficios para Jóvenes de Escasos Recursos, ejecución 2005 (2008) |
Centro de Microdatos 2008 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAE) | Centro de Microdatos. Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Formación en Oficios para Jóvenes de Escasos Recursos, ejecución 2005 (2008) |
Centro de Microdatos 2008 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAEM) | Centro de Microdatos. Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Formación en Oficios para Jóvenes de Escasos Recursos, ejecución 2005 (2008) |
Centro de Microdatos 2008 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAF) | Centro de Microdatos. Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Formación en Oficios para Jóvenes de Escasos Recursos, ejecución 2005 (2008) |
Cerdan-Infantes 2007 | School day length (eLP) | Cerdan-Infantes, Pedro, and Christel Vermeersch. "More time is better: An evaluation of the full time school program in Uruguay." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 4167 (2007). |
Cerdan-Infantes 2007 | Participación de la comunidad (sLP) | Cerdan-Infantes, Pedro, and Christel Vermeersch. "More time is better: An evaluation of the full time school program in Uruguay." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 4167 (2007). |
Chakravarty 2016 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) | Chakravarty, S., Lundberg, M., Nikoov, P. and Zenker, J. (2016) The role of training programs for youth employment in Nepal: Impact evaluation report on the employment fund. WPS7656. Washington, DC:World Bank |
Chakravarty 2016 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAEM) | Chakravarty, S., Lundberg, M., Nikoov, P. and Zenker, J. (2016) The role of training programs for youth employment in Nepal: Impact evaluation report on the employment fund. WPS7656. Washington, DC:_x000D__x000D_ World Bank |
Chakravarty 2016 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) | Chakravarty, S., Lundberg, M., Nikoov, P. and Zenker, J. (2016) The role of training programs for youth employment in Nepal: Impact evaluation report on the employment fund. WPS7656. Washington, DC:World Bank |
Chakravarty 2016 | Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula (sAEM) | Chakravarty, S., Lundberg, M., Nikoov, P. and Zenker, J. (2016) The role of training programs for youth employment in Nepal: Impact evaluation report on the employment fund. WPS7656. Washington, DC:_x000D__x000D_ World Bank |
Chaudhury 2013 | Conditional cash transfers (eES) | Chaudhury, Nazmul, Jed Friedman, and Junko Onishi. "Philippines conditional cash transfer program impact evaluation 2012." The World Bank (2013). |
Chaudhury 2013 | Transferencias monetarias condicionadas (sES) | Chaudhury, Nazmul, Jed Friedman, and Junko Onishi. "Philippines conditional cash transfer program impact evaluation 2012." The World Bank (2013). |
Chen 2012 | Cash transfers (eLS) | Chen, Xinxin, Yaojiang Shi, Di Mo, James Chu, Prashant Loyalka, and Scott Rozelle. "Impact of a senior high school tuition relief program on poor junior high school students in rural China." China & World Economy 21, no. 3 (2013): 80-97. |
Chen 2012 | Jornada escolar extendida (sLS) | Chen, Xinxin, Yaojiang Shi, Di Mo, James Chu, Prashant Loyalka, and Scott Rozelle. "Impact of a senior high school tuition relief program on poor junior high school students in rural China." China & World Economy 21, no. 3 (2013): 80-97. |
Chioda 2021 i | All components (ePY) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 i | All components (ePR) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 i | All components (eFS) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sPY) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sPR) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sFS) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 ii | All components (ePY) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 ii | All components (ePR) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 ii | All components (eFS) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 ii | Todos los componentes (sPY) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 ii | Todos los componentes (sPR) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chioda 2021 ii | Todos los componentes (sFS) | Chioda, L., Contreras-Loya, D., Gertler, P., & Carney, D. (2021). Making Entrepreneurs: Returns to Training Youth in Hard Versus Soft Business Skills (No. w28845). National Bureau of Economic Research. |
Chong 2020 | Management Soft-skills Accounting (ePR) | Chong, A., & Velez, I. (2020). Business training for women entrepreneurs in the Kyrgyz Republic: evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 12(2), 151-163. |
Chong 2020 | Gestión Habilidades sociales Contabilidad (sPR) | Chong, A., & Velez, I. (2020). Business training for women entrepreneurs in the Kyrgyz Republic: evidence from a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 12(2), 151-163. |
Clark 2013 i | Alternative teacher selection (eLS) | Clark, Melissa A., Hanley S. Chiang, Tim Silva, Sheena McConnell, Kathy Sonnenfeld, Anastasia Erbe, and Michael Puma. "The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs." National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, NCEE 2013-4015. (2013). |
Clark 2013 i | Incentivos monetarios para profesores (sLS) | Clark, Melissa A., Hanley S. Chiang, Tim Silva, Sheena McConnell, Kathy Sonnenfeld, Anastasia Erbe, and Michael Puma. "The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs." National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, NCEE 2013-4015. (2013). |
Clark 2013 ii | Alternative teacher selection (eLS) | Clark, Melissa A., Hanley S. Chiang, Tim Silva, Sheena McConnell, Kathy Sonnenfeld, Anastasia Erbe, and Michael Puma. "The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs." National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, NCEE 2013-4015. (2013). |
Clark 2013 ii | Incentivos monetarios para profesores (sLS) | Clark, Melissa A., Hanley S. Chiang, Tim Silva, Sheena McConnell, Kathy Sonnenfeld, Anastasia Erbe, and Michael Puma. "The Effectiveness of Secondary Math Teachers from Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows Programs." National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, NCEE 2013-4015. (2013). |
Clotfelter 2007 | Teachers years of education (eLP) | Clotfelter, Charles T., Helen F. Ladd, and Jacob L. Vigdor. "Teacher credentials and student achievement: Longitudinal analysis with student fixed effects." Economics of Education Review 26, no. 6 (2007): 673-682. |
Clotfelter 2007 | Tecnología guiada sin tiempo adicional (sLP) | Clotfelter, Charles T., Helen F. Ladd, and Jacob L. Vigdor. "Teacher credentials and student achievement: Longitudinal analysis with student fixed effects." Economics of Education Review 26, no. 6 (2007): 673-682. |
Corson 1996 | Job training with other services (eAE) | Corson, Walter, and Joshua Haimson. "The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Six-Year Follow-up and Summary Report. Revised Edition. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 96-2." (1996). |
Corson 1996 | Job training with other services (eAEM) | Corson, Walter, and Joshua Haimson. "The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Six-Year Follow-up and Summary Report. Revised Edition. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 96-2." (1996). |
Corson 1996 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAE) | Corson, Walter, and Joshua Haimson. "The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Six-Year Follow-up and Summary Report. Revised Edition. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 96-2." (1996). |
Corson 1996 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAEM) | Corson, Walter, and Joshua Haimson. "The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Demonstration Project: Six-Year Follow-up and Summary Report. Revised Edition. Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper 96-2." (1996). |
Cristia 2012 | Incentivos no monetarios para alumnos (sLP) | Cristia, Julián P., Pablo Ibarrarán, Santiago Cueto, Ana Santiago, and Eugenio Severín. "Technology and Child Development: Evidence from the One Laptop per Child Program." Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper Series no. IDB-WP-304 (2012). |
Cristia 2012 | Computers (eLP) | Cristia, Julián P., Pablo Ibarrarán, Santiago Cueto, Ana Santiago, and Eugenio Severín. "Technology and Child Development: Evidence from the One Laptop per Child Program." Inter-American Development Bank Working Paper Series no. IDB-WP-304 (2012). |
Cristia 2014 | School inputs (eES) | Cristia, Julian, Alejo Czerwonko, and Pablo Garofalo. "Does technology in schools affect repetition, dropout and enrollment? Evidence from Peru." Journal of Applied Economics 17, no. 1 (2014): 89-111. |
Cristia 2014 | Insumos escolares (sES) | Cristia, Julian, Alejo Czerwonko, and Pablo Garofalo. "Does technology in schools affect repetition, dropout and enrollment? Evidence from Peru." Journal of Applied Economics 17, no. 1 (2014): 89-111. |
Cullen 2006 | School inputs (eES) | Cullen, Julie Berry, Brian A. Jacob, and Steven Levitt. "The effect of school choice on participants: Evidence from randomized lotteries." Econometrica 74, no. 5 (2006): 1191-1230. |
Cullen 2006 | School inputs (eCS) | Cullen, Julie Berry, Brian A. Jacob, and Steven Levitt. "The effect of school choice on participants: Evidence from randomized lotteries." Econometrica 74, no. 5 (2006): 1191-1230. |
Cullen 2006 | Insumos escolares (sES) | Cullen, Julie Berry, Brian A. Jacob, and Steven Levitt. "The effect of school choice on participants: Evidence from randomized lotteries." Econometrica 74, no. 5 (2006): 1191-1230. |
Cullen 2006 | Insumos escolares (sCS) | Cullen, Julie Berry, Brian A. Jacob, and Steven Levitt. "The effect of school choice on participants: Evidence from randomized lotteries." Econometrica 74, no. 5 (2006): 1191-1230. |
Custodio 2021 | Accounting (ePR) | Custodio, C., Mendes, D., & Metzger, D. (2021). The impact of financial education of executives on financial practices of medium and large enterprises. Swedish House of Finance Research Paper, (20-29). |
Custodio 2021 | Contabilidad (sPR) | Custodio, C., Mendes, D., & Metzger, D. (2021). The impact of financial education of executives on financial practices of medium and large enterprises. Swedish House of Finance Research Paper, (20-29). |
Dammert 2019 i | Management Accounting (eENS) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 i | Management Accounting (ePR) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 i | Gestión Contabilidad (sENS) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 i | Gestión Contabilidad (sPR) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 ii | Management Soft-skills Accounting (eENS) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 ii | Management Soft-skills Accounting (ePR) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 ii | Gestión Habilidades sociales Contabilidad (sENS) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Dammert 2019 ii | Gestión Habilidades sociales Contabilidad (sPR) | Dammert, A., & Nansamba, A. (2019). Skills Training and Business Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Liberia. |
Das 2011 | Funding for materials (eLP) | Das, Jishnu, Stefan Dercon, James Habyarimana, Pramila Krishnan, Karthik Muralidharan, and Venkatesh Sundararaman. "School Inputs, Household Substitution, and Test Scores." Mimeograph (2011). |
Das 2011 | Capacitación de los padres (sLP) | Das, Jishnu, Stefan Dercon, James Habyarimana, Pramila Krishnan, Karthik Muralidharan, and Venkatesh Sundararaman. "School Inputs, Household Substitution, and Test Scores." Mimeograph (2011). |
Das 2017 | Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) | Das, Narayan Chandra. "Essays on Labor and Credit Markets in Bangladesh." PhD diss., UC Berkeley, 2017. |
Das 2017 | Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) | Das, Narayan Chandra. "Essays on Labor and Credit Markets in Bangladesh." PhD diss., UC Berkeley, 2017. |
Das 2017 | Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAF) | Das, Narayan Chandra. "Essays on Labor and Credit Markets in Bangladesh." PhD diss., UC Berkeley, 2017. |
Das 2017 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula y durante el trabajo (sAE) | Das, Narayan Chandra. "Essays on Labor and Credit Markets in Bangladesh." PhD diss., UC Berkeley, 2017. |
Das 2017 | Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula y en el trabajo (sAEM) | Das, Narayan Chandra. "Essays on Labor and Credit Markets in Bangladesh." PhD diss., UC Berkeley, 2017. |
Das 2017 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula y durante el trabajo (sAF) | Das, Narayan Chandra. "Essays on Labor and Credit Markets in Bangladesh." PhD diss., UC Berkeley, 2017. |
Davis 2017 | Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) | Davis, Jonathan, and Sara B. Heller. Rethinking the Benefits of Youth Employment Programs: The Heterogeneous Effects of Summer Jobs. No. w23443. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017. |
Davis 2017 | Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) | Davis, Jonathan, and Sara B. Heller. Rethinking the Benefits of Youth Employment Programs: The Heterogeneous Effects of Summer Jobs. No. w23443. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017. |
Davis 2017 | Davis, Jonathan, and Sara B. Heller. Rethinking the Benefits of Youth Employment Programs: The Heterogeneous Effects of Summer Jobs. No. w23443. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017. | |
Davis 2017 | Capacitación en habilidades técnicas y blandas, en aulas y en el trabajo (sAEM) | Davis, Jonathan, and Sara B. Heller. Rethinking the Benefits of Youth Employment Programs: The Heterogeneous Effects of Summer Jobs. No. w23443. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017. |
de Brauw 2015 | Conditional cash transfers (eES) | de Brauw, Alan, Daniel O. Gilligan, John Hoddinott, and Shalini Roy. "The impact of Bolsa Familia on schooling." World Development 70 (2015): 303-316. |
de Brauw 2015 | Conditional cash transfers (eCS) | de Brauw, Alan, Daniel O. Gilligan, John Hoddinott, and Shalini Roy. "The impact of Bolsa Familia on schooling." World Development 70 (2015): 303-316. |
de Brauw 2015 | Transferencias monetarias condicionadas (sES) | de Brauw, Alan, Daniel O. Gilligan, John Hoddinott, and Shalini Roy. "The impact of Bolsa Familia on schooling." World Development 70 (2015): 303-316. |
de Brauw 2015 | de Brauw, Alan, Daniel O. Gilligan, John Hoddinott, and Shalini Roy. "The impact of Bolsa Familia on schooling." World Development 70 (2015): 303-316. | |
De Hoop 2018 | Job training with other services (eAE) | De Hoop, Jacobus, Patrick Premand, Furio Rosati, and Renos Vakis. "Women’s economic capacity and children’s human capital accumulation." Journal of Population Economics 31, no. 2 (2018): 453-481. |
De Hoop 2018 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAE) | De Hoop, Jacobus, Patrick Premand, Furio Rosati, and Renos Vakis. "Women’s economic capacity and children’s human capital accumulation." Journal of Population Economics 31, no. 2 (2018): 453-481. |
de Janvry 2006 | Conditional cash transfers (eES) | De Janvry, Alain, Frederico Finan, and Elisabeth Sadoulet. "Evaluating Brazil’s Bolsa Escola program: Impact on schooling and municipal roles." Mimeograph (2006). |
de Janvry 2006 | Transferencias monetarias condicionadas (sES) | De Janvry, Alain, Frederico Finan, and Elisabeth Sadoulet. "Evaluating Brazil’s Bolsa Escola program: Impact on schooling and municipal roles." Mimeograph (2006). |
Dearden 2009 | Conditional cash transfers (eES) | Dearden, Lorraine, Carl Emmerson, Christine Frayne, and Costas Meghir. "Conditional cash transfers and school dropout rates." Journal of Human Resources 44, no. 4 (2009): 827-857. |
Dearden 2009 | Conditional cash transfers (eCS) | Dearden, Lorraine, Carl Emmerson, Christine Frayne, and Costas Meghir. "Conditional cash transfers and school dropout rates." Journal of Human Resources 44, no. 4 (2009): 827-857. |
Dearden 2009 | Transferencias monetarias condicionadas (sES) | Dearden, Lorraine, Carl Emmerson, Christine Frayne, and Costas Meghir. "Conditional cash transfers and school dropout rates." Journal of Human Resources 44, no. 4 (2009): 827-857. |
Dearden 2009 | Dearden, Lorraine, Carl Emmerson, Christine Frayne, and Costas Meghir. "Conditional cash transfers and school dropout rates." Journal of Human Resources 44, no. 4 (2009): 827-857. | |
del Mel 2014 | Management Accounting Planning (eENS) | De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., & Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Development Economics, 106, 199-210. |
del Mel 2014 | Management Accounting Planning (ePR) | De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., & Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Development Economics, 106, 199-210. |
del Mel 2014 | Management Accounting Planning (eFS) | De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., & Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Development Economics, 106, 199-210. |
del Mel 2014 | Gestión Contabilidad Planificación (sENS) | De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., & Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Development Economics, 106, 199-210. |
del Mel 2014 | Gestión Contabilidad Planificación (sPR) | De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., & Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Development Economics, 106, 199-210. |
del Mel 2014 | Gestión Contabilidad Planificación (sFS) | De Mel, S., McKenzie, D., & Woodruff, C. (2014). Business training and female enterprise start-up, growth, and dynamics: Experimental evidence from Sri Lanka. Journal of Development Economics, 106, 199-210. |
Deming 2011 | School inputs (eCS) | Deming, David J., Justine S. Hastings, Thomas J. Kane, and Douglas O. Staiger. "School choice, school quality, and postsecondary attainment." National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 17438 (2011). |
Deming 2011 | Insumos escolares (sCS) | Deming, David J., Justine S. Hastings, Thomas J. Kane, and Douglas O. Staiger. "School choice, school quality, and postsecondary attainment." National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 17438 (2011). |
Diaz 2006 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) | Díaz, Juan José, and Miguel Jaramillo. An Evaluation of the Peruvian" Youth Labor Training Program"-PROJOVEN. Inter-American Development Bank, 2006. |
Diaz 2006 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAEM) | Díaz, Juan José, and Miguel Jaramillo. An Evaluation of the Peruvian" Youth Labor Training Program"-PROJOVEN. Inter-American Development Bank, 2006. |
Diaz 2006 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAF) | Díaz, Juan José, and Miguel Jaramillo. An Evaluation of the Peruvian" Youth Labor Training Program"-PROJOVEN. Inter-American Development Bank, 2006. |
Diaz 2006 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) | Díaz, Juan José, and Miguel Jaramillo. An Evaluation of the Peruvian" Youth Labor Training Program"-PROJOVEN. Inter-American Development Bank, 2006. |