Explorar Skillsbank
Título | Tipo de programa | Referencias |
Lavy 2009 | Monetary incentives to teachers (eLS) | Lavy, Victor. "Performance pay and teachers effort, productivity, and grading ethics." The American Economic Review 99, no. 5 (2009): 1979-2021. |
Lavy 2009 | Información sobre retornos (sLS) | Lavy, Victor. "Performance pay and teachers' effort, productivity, and grading ethics." The American Economic Review 99, no. 5 (2009): 1979-2021. |
Leme 2012 | Lesson plans (eLP) | Leme, Maria Carolina, Paula Louzano, Vladimir Ponczek, and André Portela Souza. "The impact of structured teaching methods on the quality of education in Brazil." REAP Working Paper no. 025 (2012). |
Leme 2012 | School inputs (eCS) | Leme, Maria Carolina, Paula Louzano, Vladimir Ponczek, and André Portela Souza. "The impact of structured teaching methods on the quality of education in Brazil." Economics of Education Review 31, no. 5 (2012): 850-860. |
Leme 2012 | Capacitación de los maestros (sLP) | Leme, Maria Carolina, Paula Louzano, Vladimir Ponczek, and André Portela Souza. "The impact of structured teaching methods on the quality of education in Brazil." REAP Working Paper no. 025 (2012). |
Leme 2012 | Insumos escolares (sCS) | Leme, Maria Carolina, Paula Louzano, Vladimir Ponczek, and André Portela Souza. "The impact of structured teaching methods on the quality of education in Brazil." Economics of Education Review 31, no. 5 (2012): 850-860. |
Leung 2015 | Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (eECB) | Leung, Cynthia, Sandra Tsang, Tammy CS Sin, and Siu-yan Choi. "The efficacy of parent–child interaction therapy with Chinese families: Randomized controlled trial." Research on Social Work Practice 25, no. 1 (2015): 117-128. |
Leung 2015 | Infant Health and Development Program (sECB) | Leung, Cynthia, Sandra Tsang, Tammy CS Sin, and Siu-yan Choi. "The efficacy of parent–child interaction therapy with Chinese families: Randomized controlled trial." Research on Social Work Practice 25, no. 1 (2015): 117-128. |
Levitt 2016 | Scholarships and achievement awards (eCS) | Levitt, Steven D., John A. List, and Sally Sadoff. "The effect of performance-based incentives on educational achievement: Evidence from a randomized experiment." National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 22107 (2016). |
Levitt 2016 | Becas y premios (sCS) | Levitt, Steven D., John A. List, and Sally Sadoff. "The effect of performance-based incentives on educational achievement: Evidence from a randomized experiment." National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper no. 22107 (2016). |
Li 2014 i | Monetary incentives to students (eLP) | Li, Tao, Li Han, Linxiu Zhang, and Scott Rozelle. "Encouraging classroom peer interactions: Evidence from Chinese migrant schools." Journal of Public Economics 111 (2014): 29-45. |
Li 2014 i | Resultados en evaluaciones (sLP) | Li, Tao, Li Han, Linxiu Zhang, and Scott Rozelle. "Encouraging classroom peer interactions: Evidence from Chinese migrant schools." Journal of Public Economics 111 (2014): 29-45. |
Li 2014 ii | Monetary incentives to students (eLP) | Li, Tao, Li Han, Linxiu Zhang, and Scott Rozelle. "Encouraging classroom peer interactions: Evidence from Chinese migrant schools." Journal of Public Economics 111 (2014): 29-45. |
Li 2014 ii | Resultados en evaluaciones (sLP) | Li, Tao, Li Han, Linxiu Zhang, and Scott Rozelle. "Encouraging classroom peer interactions: Evidence from Chinese migrant schools." Journal of Public Economics 111 (2014): 29-45. |
Linden 2008 i | Guided technology (eno extra time) (eLP) | Linden, Leigh L. "Complement or Substitute? The Effect of Technology on Student Achievement in India." Mimeograph (2008). |
Linden 2008 i | Jornada escolar extendida (sLP) | Linden, Leigh L. "Complement or Substitute? The Effect of Technology on Student Achievement in India." Mimeograph (2008). |
Linden 2008 ii | Guided technology (ewith extra time) (eLP) | Linden, Leigh L. "Complement or Substitute? The Effect of Technology on Student Achievement in India." Mimeograph (2008). |
Linden 2008 ii | Enseñanza en grupos pequeños (sLP) | Linden, Leigh L. "Complement or Substitute? The Effect of Technology on Student Achievement in India." Mimeograph (2008). |
Liu 2013 | Scholarships and achievement awards (eES) | Liu, Chengfang, Hongmei Yi, Renfu Luo, Yunli Bai, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, Wang Huan, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "The effect of early commitment of financial aid on matriculation to senior high school among poor junior high students in rural China." Rural Education Action Project, Stanford Working Paper 254 (2012). |
Liu 2013 | Cash transfers (eLS) | Liu, Chengfang, Hongmei Yi, Renfu Luo, Yunli Bai, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, Wang Huan, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "The effect of early commitment of financial aid on matriculation to senior high school among poor junior high students in rural China." Rural Education Action Project, Stanford Working Paper 254 (2012). |
Liu 2013 | Becas y premios (sES) | Liu, Chengfang, Hongmei Yi, Renfu Luo, Yunli Bai, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, Wang Huan, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "The effect of early commitment of financial aid on matriculation to senior high school among poor junior high students in rural China." Rural Education Action Project, Stanford Working Paper 254 (2012). |
Liu 2013 | Jornada escolar extendida (sLS) | Liu, Chengfang, Hongmei Yi, Renfu Luo, Yunli Bai, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, Wang Huan, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "The effect of early commitment of financial aid on matriculation to senior high school among poor junior high students in rural China." Rural Education Action Project, Stanford Working Paper 254 (2012). |
Lloyd 2015 | Pedagogical practices (eLS) | Lloyd, Cheryl, Triin Edovald, Zsolt Kiss, Stephen Morris, Amy Skipp, and Hashim Ahmed. "Paired Reading." Education Endowment Foundation (2015). |
Lloyd 2015 | Prácticas pedagógicas (sLS) | Lloyd, Cheryl, Triin Edovald, Zsolt Kiss, Stephen Morris, Amy Skipp, and Hashim Ahmed. "Paired Reading." Education Endowment Foundation (2015). |
Louw 2008 | Technology (eLS) | Louw, Johann, Johan Muller, and Colin Tredoux. "Time-on-task, technology and mathematics achievement." Evaluation and Program Planning 31, no. 1 (2008): 41-50. |
Louw 2008 | Certificación alternativa de profesores (sLS) | Louw, Johann, Johan Muller, and Colin Tredoux. "Time-on-task, technology and mathematics achievement." Evaluation and Program Planning 31, no. 1 (2008): 41-50. |
Love 2005 | Early Head Start (eECC) | Love, John M., Ellen Eliason Kisker, Christine Ross, Helen Raikes, Jill Constantine, Kimberly Boller, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn et al. "The Effectiveness of Early Head Start for 3-Year-Old Children and Their Parents: Lessons for Policy and Programs." Developmental Psychology 41, no. 6 (2005): 885. |
Love 2005 | Early Head Start (eECB) | Love, John M., Ellen Eliason Kisker, Christine Ross, Helen Raikes, Jill Constantine, Kimberly Boller, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn et al. "The Effectiveness of Early Head Start for 3-Year-Old Children and Their Parents: Lessons for Policy and Programs." Developmental Psychology 41, no. 6 (2005): 885-901. |
Love 2005 | Early Head Start (sECC) | Love, John M., Ellen Eliason Kisker, Christine Ross, Helen Raikes, Jill Constantine, Kimberly Boller, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn et al. "The Effectiveness of Early Head Start for 3-Year-Old Children and Their Parents: Lessons for Policy and Programs." Developmental Psychology 41, no. 6 (2005): 885. |
Love 2005 | Early Head Start (sECB) | Love, John M., Ellen Eliason Kisker, Christine Ross, Helen Raikes, Jill Constantine, Kimberly Boller, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn et al. "The Effectiveness of Early Head Start for 3-Year-Old Children and Their Parents: Lessons for Policy and Programs." Developmental Psychology 41, no. 6 (2005): 885-901. |
Loyalka 2013 | Counseling, coaching and information (eES) | Loyalka, Prashant, Chengfang Liu, Yingquan Song, Hongmei Yi, Xiaoting Huang, Jianguo Wei, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China." Journal of Comparative Economics 41, no. 4 (2013): 1012-1025. |
Loyalka 2013 | Information on returns (eLS) | Loyalka, Prashant, Chengfang Liu, Yingquan Song, Hongmei Yi, Xiaoting Huang, Jianguo Wei, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China." Journal of Comparative Economics 41, no. 4 (2013): 1012-1025. |
Loyalka 2013 | Orientación, coaching e información (sES) | Loyalka, Prashant, Chengfang Liu, Yingquan Song, Hongmei Yi, Xiaoting Huang, Jianguo Wei, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China." Journal of Comparative Economics 41, no. 4 (2013): 1012-1025. |
Loyalka 2013 | Vales, subsidios o becas (sLS) | Loyalka, Prashant, Chengfang Liu, Yingquan Song, Hongmei Yi, Xiaoting Huang, Jianguo Wei, Linxiu Zhang, Yaojiang Shi, James Chu, and Scott Rozelle. "Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China." Journal of Comparative Economics 41, no. 4 (2013): 1012-1025. |
Lucas 2014 i | Teacher development (eLP) | Lucas, Adrienne M., Patrick J. McEwan, Moses Ngware, and Moses Oketch. "Improving Early‐Grade Literacy In East Africa: Experimental Evidence From Kenya And Uganda." Mimeograph (2013). |
Lucas 2014 i | Presupuesto para materiales (sLP) | Lucas, Adrienne M., Patrick J. McEwan, Moses Ngware, and Moses Oketch. "Improving Early‐Grade Literacy In East Africa: Experimental Evidence From Kenya And Uganda." Mimeograph (2013). |
Lucas 2014 ii | Teacher development (eLP) | Lucas, Adrienne M., Patrick J. McEwan, Moses Ngware, and Moses Oketch. "Improving Early‐Grade Literacy In East Africa: Experimental Evidence From Kenya And Uganda." Mimeograph (2013). |
Lucas 2014 ii | Presupuesto para materiales (sLP) | Lucas, Adrienne M., Patrick J. McEwan, Moses Ngware, and Moses Oketch. "Improving Early‐Grade Literacy In East Africa: Experimental Evidence From Kenya And Uganda." Mimeograph (2013). |
Macours 2013 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) | Macours, Karen, Patrick Premand, and Renos Vakis. "Demand versus returns? Pro-poor targeting of business grants and vocational skills training." Policy Research Working Paper No. 6389 (2013). |
Macours 2013 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAEM) | Macours, Karen, Patrick Premand, and Renos Vakis. "Demand versus returns? Pro-poor targeting of business grants and vocational skills training." Policy Research Working Paper No. 6389 (2013). |
Macours 2013 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) | Macours, Karen, Patrick Premand, and Renos Vakis. "Demand versus returns? Pro-poor targeting of business grants and vocational skills training." Policy Research Working Paper No. 6389 (2013). |
Macours 2013 | Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula (sAEM) | Macours, Karen, Patrick Premand, and Renos Vakis. "Demand versus returns? Pro-poor targeting of business grants and vocational skills training." Policy Research Working Paper No. 6389 (2013). |
Maitra 2017 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) | Maitra, Pushkar, and Subha Mani. "Learning and earning: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in India." Labour Economics 45 (2017): 116-130. |
Maitra 2017 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAEM) | Maitra, Pushkar, and Subha Mani. "Learning and earning: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in India." Labour Economics 45 (2017): 116-130. |
Maitra 2017 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) | Maitra, Pushkar, and Subha Mani. "Learning and earning: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in India." Labour Economics 45 (2017): 116-130. |
Maitra 2017 | Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula (sAEM) | Maitra, Pushkar, and Subha Mani. "Learning and earning: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in India." Labour Economics 45 (2017): 116-130. |
Mano 2012 | Management Accounting Planning (eENS) | Mano, Y., A. Iddrisu, Y. Yoshino, and T. Sonobe. 2012. “How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training.” World Development 40 (3): 458–68 |
Mano 2012 | Management Accounting Planning (ePR) | Mano, Y., A. Iddrisu, Y. Yoshino, and T. Sonobe. 2012. “How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training.” World Development 40 (3): 458–68 |
Mano 2012 | Management Accounting Planning (eFS) | Mano, Y., A. Iddrisu, Y. Yoshino, and T. Sonobe. 2012. “How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training.” World Development 40 (3): 458–68 |
Mano 2012 | Gestión Contabilidad Planificación (sENS) | Mano, Y., A. Iddrisu, Y. Yoshino, and T. Sonobe. 2012. “How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in SubSaharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training.” World Development 40 (3): 458–68 |
Mano 2012 | Gestión Contabilidad Planificación (sPR) | Mano, Y., A. Iddrisu, Y. Yoshino, and T. Sonobe. 2012. “How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in SubSaharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training.” World Development 40 (3): 458–68 |
Mano 2012 | Gestión Contabilidad Planificación (sFS) | Mano, Y., A. Iddrisu, Y. Yoshino, and T. Sonobe. 2012. “How Can Micro and Small Enterprises in SubSaharan Africa Become More Productive? The Impacts of Experimental Basic Managerial Training.” World Development 40 (3): 458–68 |
Marsh 2011 | Monetary incentives to teachers (eLS) | Marsh, Julie A., Matthew G. Springer, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Kun Yuan, Scott Epstein, Julia Koppich, Nidhi Kalra, Catherine DiMartino, and Art Peng. "A Big Apple for Educators: New York Citys Experiment with Schoolwide Performance Bonuses. Final Evaluation Report." Monograph. RAND Corporation (2011). |
Marsh 2011 | Información sobre retornos (sLS) | Marsh, Julie A., Matthew G. Springer, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Kun Yuan, Scott Epstein, Julia Koppich, Nidhi Kalra, Catherine DiMartino, and Art Peng. "A Big Apple for Educators: New York City's Experiment with Schoolwide Performance Bonuses. Final Evaluation Report." Monograph. RAND Corporation (2011). |
Martínez 2018 | Management Planning (eENS) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Management Planning (ePY) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Management Planning (ePR) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Management Planning (eFS) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Gestión Planificación (sENS) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Gestión Planificación (sPY) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Gestión Planificación (sPR) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martínez 2018 | Gestión Planificación (sFS) | Martínez A, C., Puentes, E. and Ruiz-Tagle, J., 2018. The effects of micro-entrepreneurship programs on labor market performance: experimental evidence from Chile. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(2), pp.101-24. |
Martins 2009 | Monetary incentives to teachers (eLS) | Martins, Pedro S. "Individual teacher incentives, student achievement and grade inflation." Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Discussion Paper Series no. 4051 (2009). |
Martins 2009 | Información sobre retornos (sLS) | Martins, Pedro S. "Individual teacher incentives, student achievement and grade inflation." Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Discussion Paper Series no. 4051 (2009). |
Martins 2014 | Job training with other services (eAE) | Martins, P. S. and Pessoa e Costa, S. (2014). “Reemployment and substitution effects from increased activation: evidence from times of crisis.” No. 8600, IZA discussion papers. |
Martins 2014 | Job training with other services (eAEM) | Martins, P. S. and Pessoa e Costa, S. (2014). “Reemployment and substitution effects from increased activation: evidence from times of crisis.” No. 8600, IZA discussion papers. |
Martins 2014 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAE) | Martins, P. S. and Pessoa e Costa, S. (2014). “Reemployment and substitution effects from increased activation: evidence from times of crisis.” No. 8600, IZA discussion papers. |
Martins 2014 | Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAEM) | Martins, P. S. and Pessoa e Costa, S. (2014). “Reemployment and substitution effects from increased activation: evidence from times of crisis.” No. 8600, IZA discussion papers. |
May 2013 | Tutoring (eLP) | May, Henry; Gray, Abigail M.; Gillespie, Jessica; Sirinides, Philip M; Sam, Cecile; Goldsworthy, Heather; Armijo, Michael; and Tognatta, Namrata. (2013). "Evaluation of the i3 Scale-up of Reading Recovery | Year One Report, 2011-12." CPRE Research Reports (2013). |
May 2013 | Capacitación de los directivos (sLP) | May, Henry; Gray, Abigail M.; Gillespie, Jessica; Sirinides, Philip M; Sam, Cecile; Goldsworthy, Heather; Armijo, Michael; and Tognatta, Namrata. (2013). "Evaluation of the i3 Scale-up of Reading Recovery | Year One Report, 2011-12." CPRE Research Reports (2013). |
McEwan 2015 | School inputs (eES) | McEwan, Patrick J., Erin Murphy-Graham, David Torres Irribarra, Claudia Aguilar, and Renán Rápalo. "Improving middle school quality in poor countries: Evidence from the Honduran Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37, no. 1 (2015): 113-137. |
McEwan 2015 | Pedagogical practices (eLS) | McEwan, Patrick J., Erin Murphy-Graham, David Torres Irribarra, Claudia Aguilar, and Renán Rápalo. "Improving middle school quality in poor countries: Evidence from the Honduran Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37, no. 1 (2015): 113-137. |
McEwan 2015 | Insumos escolares (sES) | McEwan, Patrick J., Erin Murphy-Graham, David Torres Irribarra, Claudia Aguilar, and Renán Rápalo. "Improving middle school quality in poor countries: Evidence from the Honduran Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37, no. 1 (2015): 113-137. |
McEwan 2015 | Prácticas pedagógicas (sLS) | McEwan, Patrick J., Erin Murphy-Graham, David Torres Irribarra, Claudia Aguilar, and Renán Rápalo. "Improving middle school quality in poor countries: Evidence from the Honduran Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37, no. 1 (2015): 113-137. |
McKenzie 2021 i | All components (eENS) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | All components (ePY) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | All components (ePR) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | All components (eFS) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sENS) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sPY) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sPR) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 i | Todos los componentes (sFS) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 ii | All components (ePY) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 ii | All components (ePR) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 ii | All components (eFS) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 ii | Todos los componentes (sPY) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 ii | Todos los componentes (sPR) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McKenzie 2021 ii | Todos los componentes (sFS) | McKenzie, David, and Susana Puerto. 2021. "Growing Markets through Business Training for Female Entrepreneurs: A Market-Level Randomized Experiment in Kenya." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13 (2): 297-332. |
McNally 2014 | Teacher development (eLP) | McNally, Sandra. "Hampshire Hundreds." Education Endowment Foundation (2014). |
McNally 2014 | Presupuesto para materiales (sLP) | McNally, Sandra. "Hampshire Hundreds." Education Endowment Foundation (2014). |
Michaelides 2012 | All components (ePY) | Michaelides, M. and Benus, J., 2012. Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE. Labour Economics, 19(5), pp.695-705. |
Michaelides 2012 | All components (ePR) | Michaelides, M. and Benus, J., 2012. Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE. Labour Economics, 19(5), pp.695-705. |
Michaelides 2012 | All components (eFS) | Michaelides, M. and Benus, J., 2012. Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE. Labour Economics, 19(5), pp.695-705. |
Michaelides 2012 | Todos los componentes (sPY) | Michaelides, M. and Benus, J., 2012. Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE. Labour Economics, 19(5), pp.695-705. |
Michaelides 2012 | Todos los componentes (sPR) | Michaelides, M. and Benus, J., 2012. Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE. Labour Economics, 19(5), pp.695-705. |
Michaelides 2012 | Todos los componentes (sFS) | Michaelides, M. and Benus, J., 2012. Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE. Labour Economics, 19(5), pp.695-705. |
Miller 2003 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) | Miller, Cynthia, Johannes Bos, Kristen Porter, Fannie Tseng, Fred Doolittle, Deana Tanguay, and Mary Vencill. "Working with Disadvantaged Youth: Thirty-Month Findings from the Evaluation of the Center for Employment Training Replication Sites." New York: MDRC (2003). |
Miller 2003 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAEM) | Miller, Cynthia, Johannes Bos, Kristen Porter, Fannie Tseng, Fred Doolittle, Deana Tanguay, and Mary Vencill. "Working with Disadvantaged Youth: Thirty-Month Findings from the Evaluation of the Center for Employment Training Replication Sites." New York: MDRC (2003). |
Miller 2003 | Technical skills in-classroom training (eAF) | Miller, Cynthia, Johannes Bos, Kristen Porter, Fannie Tseng, Fred Doolittle, Deana Tanguay, and Mary Vencill. "Working with Disadvantaged Youth: Thirty-Month Findings from the Evaluation of the Center for Employment Training Replication Sites." New York: MDRC (2003). |
Miller 2003 | Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) | Miller, Cynthia, Johannes Bos, Kristen Porter, Fannie Tseng, Fred Doolittle, Deana Tanguay, and Mary Vencill. "Working with Disadvantaged Youth: Thirty-Month Findings from the Evaluation of the Center for Employment Training Replication Sites." New York: MDRC (2003). |