Explorar Skillsbank

Título Tipo de programa Referencias
Sanders 2012 Positive Parenting Program (eECB) Sanders, Matthew R., Sabine Baker, and Karen MT Turner. "A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Triple P Online with Parents of Children with Early-Onset Conduct Problems." Behaviour Research & Therapy 50, no. 11 (2012): 675-684.
Sanders 2012 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (sECB) Sanders, Matthew R., Sabine Baker, and Karen MT Turner. "A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Triple P Online with Parents of Children with Early-Onset Conduct Problems." Behaviour Research & Therapy 50, no. 11 (2012): 675-684.
Santa Maria 2009 Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) NA
Santa Maria 2009 Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) NA
Santa Maria 2009 Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAF) NA
Santa Maria 2009 NA
Santa Maria 2009 Capacitación en habilidades técnicas y blandas, en aulas y en el trabajo (sAEM) NA
Santa Maria 2009 NA
Santibañez 2006 Teachers years of education (eLP) Santibanez, Lucrecia. "Why we should care if teachers get As: Teacher test scores and student achievement in Mexico." Economics of Education Review 25, no. 5 (2006): 510-520.
Santibañez 2006 Tecnología guiada sin tiempo adicional (sLP) Santibanez, Lucrecia. "Why we should care if teachers get A's: Teacher test scores and student achievement in Mexico." Economics of Education Review 25, no. 5 (2006): 510-520.
Santibanez 2014 Community involvement (eLP) Santibañez, Lucrecia, Raúl Abreu-Lastra, and Jennifer L. O’Donoghue. "School based management effects: Resources or governance change? Evidence from Mexico." Economics of Education Review 39 (2014): 97-109.
Santibanez 2014 Incentivos monetarios para maestros (sLP) Santibañez, Lucrecia, Raúl Abreu-Lastra, and Jennifer L. O’Donoghue. "School based management effects: Resources or governance change? Evidence from Mexico." Economics of Education Review 39 (2014): 97-109.
Schady 2008 Conditional cash transfers (eES) Schady, Norbert, and Maria Caridad Araujo. "Cash transfers, conditions, and school enrollment in Ecuador." Mimeograph.
Schady 2008 Transferencias monetarias condicionadas (sES) Schady, Norbert, and Maria Caridad Araujo. "Cash transfers, conditions, and school enrollment in Ecuador." Mimeograph.
Schochet 2008 Packaged interventions (eCS) Schochet, Peter Z., John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. "Does job corps work? Impact findings from the National Job Corps Study." The American economic review 98, no. 5 (2008): 1864-1886.
Schochet 2008 Job training with other services (eAE) Schochet, Peter, John Burghart, and Sheena McConnell. "National Job Corps Study and Longer Term, Follow Up Study." Mathematica Policy Research Inc., mimeo (2006).
Schochet 2008 Job training with other services (eAEM) Schochet, Peter, John Burghart, and Sheena McConnell. "National Job Corps Study and Longer Term, Follow Up Study." Mathematica Policy Research Inc., mimeo (2006).
Schochet 2008 Job training with other services (eAF) Schochet, Peter Z., John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. "Does job corps work? Impact findings from the National Job Corps Study." The American economic review 98, no. 5 (2008): 1864-1886.
Schochet 2008 Paquete de intervenciones (sCS) Schochet, Peter Z., John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. "Does job corps work? Impact findings from the National Job Corps Study." The American economic review 98, no. 5 (2008): 1864-1886.
Schochet 2008 Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAE) Schochet, Peter, John Burghart, and Sheena McConnell. "National Job Corps Study and Longer Term, Follow Up Study." Mathematica Policy Research Inc., mimeo (2006).
Schochet 2008 Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAEM) Schochet, Peter, John Burghart, and Sheena McConnell. "National Job Corps Study and Longer Term, Follow Up Study." Mathematica Policy Research Inc., mimeo (2006).
Schochet 2008 Capacitación laboral junto con otros programas (sAF) Schochet, Peter Z., John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. "Does job corps work? Impact findings from the National Job Corps Study." The American economic review 98, no. 5 (2008): 1864-1886.
Schoen 2003 Technology (eLS) Schoen, Harold L., and Christian R. Hirsch. "The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Perspectives and Student Achievement." In Standards-based School Mathematics Curricula: What Are They? What Do Students Learn?, edited by S.L. Senk and D.R. Thompson, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2003): pp 311-343.
Schoen 2003 Certificación alternativa de profesores (sLS) Schoen, Harold L., and Christian R. Hirsch. "The Core-Plus Mathematics Project: Perspectives and Student Achievement." In Standards-based School Mathematics Curricula: What Are They? What Do Students Learn?, edited by S.L. Senk and D.R. Thompson, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (2003): pp 311-343.
Schuhmann 1998 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (eECB) Schuhmann, Elena M., Rebecca C. Foote, Sheila M. Eyberg, Stephen R. Boggs, and James Algina. "Efficacy of parent-child interaction therapy: Interim report of a randomized trial with short-term maintenance." Journal of clinical child psychology 27, no. 1 (1998): 34-45.
Schuhmann 1998 Infant Health and Development Program (sECB) Schuhmann, Elena M., Rebecca C. Foote, Sheila M. Eyberg, Stephen R. Boggs, and James Algina. "Efficacy of parent-child interaction therapy: Interim report of a randomized trial with short-term maintenance." Journal of clinical child psychology 27, no. 1 (1998): 34-45.
Schultz 2004 Conditional cash transfers (eES) Schultz, T. Paul. "School subsidies for the poor: evaluating the Mexican Progresa poverty program." Journal of development Economics 74, no. 1 (2004): 199-250.
Schultz 2004 Transferencias monetarias condicionadas (sES) Schultz, T. Paul. "School subsidies for the poor: evaluating the Mexican Progresa poverty program." Journal of development Economics 74, no. 1 (2004): 199-250.
Scott 2001 Incredible Years (eECB) Scott, Stephen, Quentin Spender, Moira Doolan, Brian Jacobs, and Helen Aspland. "Multicentre controlled trial of parenting groups for childhood antisocial behaviour in clinical practice." BMJ 323 (2001): 1-7.
Scott 2001 Healthy Steps (sECB) Scott, Stephen, Quentin Spender, Moira Doolan, Brian Jacobs, and Helen Aspland. "Multicentre controlled trial of parenting groups for childhood antisocial behaviour in clinical practice." BMJ 323 (2001): 1-7.
Shapiro 2014 Positive Parenting Program (eECB) Shapiro, Cheri J., Janice Kilburn, and James W. Hardin. "Prevention of behavior problems in a selected population: Stepping Stones Triple P for parents of young children with disabilities." Research in developmental disabilities 35, no. 11 (2014): 2958-2975.
Shapiro 2014 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (sECB) Shapiro, Cheri J., Janice Kilburn, and James W. Hardin. "Prevention of behavior problems in a selected population: Stepping Stones Triple P for parents of young children with disabilities." Research in developmental disabilities 35, no. 11 (2014): 2958-2975.
Sharma 2011 Monetary incentives to students (eLS) Sharma, Dhiraj. "The impact of financial incentives on academic achievement and household behavior: Evidence from a randomized trial in Nepal." Mimeograph (2010).
Sharma 2011 Transferencias monetarias (sLS) Sharma, Dhiraj. "The impact of financial incentives on academic achievement and household behavior: Evidence from a randomized trial in Nepal." Mimeograph (2010).
Shaw 2006 Family Check-Up (eECB) Shaw, Daniel S., Thomas J. Dishion, Lauren Supplee, Frances Gardner, and Karin Arnds. "Randomized Trial of a Family-Centered Approach to the Prevention of Early Conduct Problems: 2-Year Effects of the Family Check-Up in Early Childhood." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, no. 1 (2006): 1-9.
Shaw 2006 Parents as Teachers (sECB) Shaw, Daniel S., Thomas J. Dishion, Lauren Supplee, Frances Gardner, and Karin Arnds. "Randomized Trial of a Family-Centered Approach to the Prevention of Early Conduct Problems: 2-Year Effects of the Family Check-Up in Early Childhood." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, no. 1 (2006): 1-9.
Shaw 2009 Family Check-Up (eECB) Shaw, Daniel S., Arin Connell, Thomas J. Dishion, Melvin N. Wilson, and Frances Gardner. "Improvements in maternal depression as a mediator of intervention effects on early childhood problem behavior." Development and psychopathology 21, no. 2 (2009): 417-439.
Shaw 2009 Parents as Teachers (sECB) Shaw, Daniel S., Arin Connell, Thomas J. Dishion, Melvin N. Wilson, and Frances Gardner. "Improvements in maternal depression as a mediator of intervention effects on early childhood problem behavior." Development and psychopathology 21, no. 2 (2009): 417-439.
Sibieta 2016 i Small group support (eLP) Sibieta, Luke, Mehul Kotecha and Amy Skipp. "Nuffield Early Language Intervention Evaluation report and executive summary." Education Endowment Foundation (2016).
Sibieta 2016 i Computadoras (sLP) Sibieta, Luke, Mehul Kotecha and Amy Skipp. "Nuffield Early Language Intervention Evaluation report and executive summary." Education Endowment Foundation (2016).
Sibieta 2016 ii Small group support (eLP) Sibieta, Luke, Mehul Kotecha and Amy Skipp. "Nuffield Early Language Intervention Evaluation report and executive summary." Education Endowment Foundation (2016).
Sibieta 2016 ii Computadoras (sLP) Sibieta, Luke, Mehul Kotecha and Amy Skipp. "Nuffield Early Language Intervention Evaluation report and executive summary." Education Endowment Foundation (2016).
Sierau 2016 Nurse Family Partnership (eECC) Sierau, Susan, Verena Dähne, Tilman Brand, Vivien Kurtz, Kai von Klitzing, and Tanja Jungmann. "Effects of home visitation on maternal competencies, family environment, and child development: a randomized controlled trial." Prevention science 17, no. 1 (2016): 40-51.
Sierau 2016 Nurse Family Partnership (eECB) Sierau, Susan, Verena Dähne, Tilman Brand, Vivien Kurtz, Kai von Klitzing, and Tanja Jungmann. "Effects of home visitation on maternal competencies, family environment, and child development: a randomized controlled trial." Prevention science 17, no. 1 (2016): 40-51.
Sierau 2016 Nurse Family Partnership (sECC) Sierau, Susan, Verena Dähne, Tilman Brand, Vivien Kurtz, Kai von Klitzing, and Tanja Jungmann. "Effects of home visitation on maternal competencies, family environment, and child development: a randomized controlled trial." Prevention science 17, no. 1 (2016): 40-51.
Sierau 2016 Incredible Years (sECB) Sierau, Susan, Verena Dähne, Tilman Brand, Vivien Kurtz, Kai von Klitzing, and Tanja Jungmann. "Effects of home visitation on maternal competencies, family environment, and child development: a randomized controlled trial." Prevention science 17, no. 1 (2016): 40-51.
Skemer 2017 Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) Skemer, Melanie, Arielle Sherman, Sonya Williams, and Danielle Cummings. "Reengaging New York Citys Disconnected Youth Through Work: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Young Adult Internship Program." (2017).
Skemer 2017 Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) Skemer, Melanie, Arielle Sherman, Sonya Williams, and Danielle Cummings. "Reengaging New York Citys Disconnected Youth Through Work: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Young Adult Internship Program." (2017).
Skemer 2017 Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula y durante el trabajo (sAE) Skemer, Melanie, Arielle Sherman, Sonya Williams, and Danielle Cummings. "Reengaging New York City's Disconnected Youth Through Work: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Young Adult Internship Program." (2017).
Skemer 2017 Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula y en el trabajo (sAEM) Skemer, Melanie, Arielle Sherman, Sonya Williams, and Danielle Cummings. "Reengaging New York City's Disconnected Youth Through Work: Implementation and Early Impacts of the Young Adult Internship Program." (2017).
Soares 2017 Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) Soares, Sammara Cavalcanti. Vocational education and fertility decisions: An experimental evidence from Brazil in "Three essays on vocational education in Brazil." PhD diss., 2017.
Soares 2017 Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) Soares, Sammara Cavalcanti. Vocational education and fertility decisions: An experimental evidence from Brazil in "Three essays on vocational education in Brazil." PhD diss., 2017.
Soares 2017 Technical skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAF) Soares, Sammara Cavalcanti. Vocational education and fertility decisions: An experimental evidence from Brazil in "Three essays on vocational education in Brazil." PhD diss., 2017.
Soares 2017 Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula y durante el trabajo (sAE) Soares, Sammara Cavalcanti. Vocational education and fertility decisions: An experimental evidence from Brazil in "Three essays on vocational education in Brazil." PhD diss., 2017.
Soares 2017 Capacitación en habilidades técnicas en aula y en el trabajo (sAEM) Soares, Sammara Cavalcanti. Vocational education and fertility decisions: An experimental evidence from Brazil in "Three essays on vocational education in Brazil." PhD diss., 2017.
Soares 2017 Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula y durante el trabajo (sAF) Soares, Sammara Cavalcanti. Vocational education and fertility decisions: An experimental evidence from Brazil in "Three essays on vocational education in Brazil." PhD diss., 2017.
Springer 2010 Monetary incentives to teachers (eLS) Springer, Matthew G., Dale Ballou, Laura Hamilton, Vi-Nhuan Le, J. R. Lockwood, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Matthew Pepper, and Brian M. Stecher. "Teacher Pay for Performance: Experimental Evidence from the Project on Incentives in Teaching." National
Center on Performance Incentives (2010).
Springer 2010 Información sobre retornos (sLS) Springer, Matthew G., Dale Ballou, Laura Hamilton, Vi-Nhuan Le, J. R. Lockwood, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Matthew Pepper, and Brian M. Stecher. "Teacher Pay for Performance: Experimental Evidence from the Project on Incentives in Teaching." National
Center on Performance Incentives (2010).
Springer 2012 Monetary incentives to teachers (eLS) Springer, Matthew G., John F. Pane, Vi-Nhuan Le, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Susan Freeman Burns, Laura S. Hamilton, and Brian Stecher. "Team pay for performance: Experimental evidence from the round rock pilot project on team incentives." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34, no. 4 (2012): 367-390.
Springer 2012 Información sobre retornos (sLS) Springer, Matthew G., John F. Pane, Vi-Nhuan Le, Daniel F. McCaffrey, Susan Freeman Burns, Laura S. Hamilton, and Brian Stecher. "Team pay for performance: Experimental evidence from the round rock pilot project on team incentives." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34, no. 4 (2012): 367-390.
Stenberg 2015 Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) Stenberg, Anders, and Olle Westerlund. "The long-term earnings consequences of general vs. specific training of the unemployed." IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 4, no. 1 (2015): 22.
Stenberg 2015 Capacitación en habilidades duras en aula (sAE) Stenberg, Anders, and Olle Westerlund. "The long-term earnings consequences of general vs. specific training of the unemployed." IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 4, no. 1 (2015): 22.
Taylor 1998 Incredible Years (eECB) Taylor, Ted K., Fred Schmidt, Debra Pepler, and Christine Hodgins. "A comparison of eclectic treatment with Webster-Strattons parents and children series in a childrens mental health center: A randomized controlled trial." Behavior Therapy 29, no. 2 (1998): 221-240.
Taylor 1998 Healthy Steps (sECB) Taylor, Ted K., Fred Schmidt, Debra Pepler, and Christine Hodgins. "A comparison of eclectic treatment with Webster-Stratton's parents and children series in a children's mental health center: A randomized controlled trial." Behavior Therapy 29, no. 2 (1998): 221-240.
Theodos 2017 Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) Theodos, Brett, Michael R. Pergamit, Devlin Hanson, Sara Edelstein, Rebecca Daniels, and Tanaya Srini. "Pathways after High School." (2017).
Theodos 2017 Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) Theodos, Brett, Michael R. Pergamit, Devlin Hanson, Sara Edelstein, Rebecca Daniels, and Tanaya Srini. "Pathways after High School." (2017).
Theodos 2017 Theodos, Brett, Michael R. Pergamit, Devlin Hanson, Sara Edelstein, Rebecca Daniels, and Tanaya Srini. "Pathways after High School." (2017).
Theodos 2017 Capacitación en habilidades técnicas y blandas, en aulas y en el trabajo (sAEM) Theodos, Brett, Michael R. Pergamit, Devlin Hanson, Sara Edelstein, Rebecca Daniels, and Tanaya Srini. "Pathways after High School." (2017).
Tofail 2013 Jamaica curriculum (eECC) Tofail, Fahmida, Jena D. Hamadani, Fardina Mehrin, Deborah A. Ridout, Syed N. Huda, and Sally M. Grantham-McGregor. "Psychosocial stimulation benefits development in nonanemic children but not in anemic, iron-deficient children." The Journal of nutrition 143, no. 6 (2013): 885-893.
Tofail 2013 Modelo de Jamaica (sECC) Tofail, Fahmida, Jena D. Hamadani, Fardina Mehrin, Deborah A. Ridout, Syed N. Huda, and Sally M. Grantham-McGregor. "Psychosocial stimulation benefits development in nonanemic children but not in anemic, iron-deficient children." The Journal of nutrition 143, no. 6 (2013): 885-893.
Tracey 2016 Parent training (eLP) Tracey, Louise, Bette Chambers, Tracey Bywater and Louise Elliott. "SPOKES Evaluation report and executive summary." Education Endowment Foundation (2016).
Tracey 2016 Tutoría individual (sLP) Tracey, Louise, Bette Chambers, Tracey Bywater and Louise Elliott. "SPOKES Evaluation report and executive summary." Education Endowment Foundation (2016).
Tuttle 2013 No excuses charter schools (eLS) Tuttle, Christina Clark, Brian Gill, Philip Gleason, Virginia Knechtel, Ira Nichols-Barrer, and Alexandra Resch. "KIPP Middle Schools: Impacts on Achievement and Other Outcomes. Final Report." Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (2013).
Tuttle 2013 Incentivos monetarios para alumnos (sLS) Tuttle, Christina Clark, Brian Gill, Philip Gleason, Virginia Knechtel, Ira Nichols-Barrer, and Alexandra Resch. "KIPP Middle Schools: Impacts on Achievement and Other Outcomes. Final Report." Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (2013).
Urquiola 2006 Class size (eLP) Urquiola, Miguel, and Eric Verhoogen. "Class-size caps, sorting, and the regression-discontinuity design." The American Economic Review 99, no. 1 (2009): 179-215.
Urquiola 2006 Incentivos monetarios para alumnos (sLP) Urquiola, Miguel, and Eric Verhoogen. "Class-size caps, sorting, and the regression-discontinuity design." The American Economic Review 99, no. 1 (2009): 179-215.
Valdivia 2014 i Management (eENS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Management (ePY) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Management (ePR) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Management (eFS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Gestion (sENS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Gestión (sPY) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Gestión (sPR) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 i Gestión (sFS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Management Soft-skills (eENS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Management Soft-skills (ePY) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Management Soft-skills (ePR) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Management Soft-skills (eFS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Gestión Habilidades sociales (sENS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Gestión Habilidades sociales (sPY) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Gestión Habilidades sociales (sPR) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Valdivia 2014 ii Gestión Habilidades sociales (sFS) Valdivia, M., 2015. Business training plus for female entrepreneurship? Short and medium-term experimental evidence from Peru. Journal of Development Economics, 113, pp.33-51.
Vignoles 2015 Teacher development (eLP) Vignoles, Anna, John Jerrim, and Richard Cowan. "Mathematics Mastery: Primary Evaluation Report." Education Endowment Foundation (2015).
Vignoles 2015 Presupuesto para materiales (sLP) Vignoles, Anna, John Jerrim, and Richard Cowan. "Mathematics Mastery: Primary Evaluation Report." Education Endowment Foundation (2015).
Vinokur 1995 Soft skills in-classroom training (eAE) Vinokur, Amiram D., Yaacov Schul, Jukka Vuori, and Richard H. Price. "Two years after a job loss: long-term impact of the JOBS program on reemployment and mental health." Journal of occupational health psychology 5, no. 1 (2000): 32.
Vinokur 1995 Soft skills in-classroom training (eAEM) Vinokur, Amiram D., Yaacov Schul, Jukka Vuori, and Richard H. Price. "Two years after a job loss: long-term impact of the JOBS program on reemployment and mental health." Journal of occupational health psychology 5, no. 1 (2000): 32.
Vinokur 1995 Capacitación en habilidades blandas en aulas (sAE) Vinokur, Amiram D., Yaacov Schul, Jukka Vuori, and Richard H. Price. "Two years after a job loss: long-term impact of the JOBS program on reemployment and mental health." Journal of occupational health psychology 5, no. 1 (2000): 32.
Vinokur 1995 Capacitación en habilidades blandas en aulas (sAEM) Vinokur, Amiram D., Yaacov Schul, Jukka Vuori, and Richard H. Price. "Two years after a job loss: long-term impact of the JOBS program on reemployment and mental health." Journal of occupational health psychology 5, no. 1 (2000): 32.
Wagner 1999 i Parents as Teachers (eECC) Wagner, Mary M., and Serena L. Clayton. "The Parents as Teachers Program: Results from Two Demonstrations." Future of Children 9, no. 1 (1999): 91-115.
Wagner 1999 i Parents as Teachers (eECB) Wagner, Mary M., and Serena L. Clayton. "The Parents as Teachers Program: Results from Two Demonstrations." Future of Children 9, no. 1 (1999): 91-115.