Country | Country: Chile |
GDP per capita | 12.724 |
Context details | Individuals from extremely poor households in Chile that volunteered to participate |
Age | average: 36 |
Implementation year | 2010 |
Implementer | Government |
Duration (months) | 5 |
Cost | N/A |
Intervention details | developing business concept, management skills improvement (such as setting and evaluating progress on business goals, defining products, obtaining customer feedback, and learning about current legislation), writing a business plan |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | N/A |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Complete sample | Profits | Profits in past month | 4 | 1001 | Coeff: 40.81; SE: 14.95; YcPost: 54.01 |
Complete sample | Revenues | Sales in past month | 4 | 1035 | Coeff: 60.90; SE: 20.52; YcPost: 83.02 |