Learning in secondary > Technology (eLS) > Berlinski 2013 iv
Detailed Information
Country | Country: Costa Rica |
GDP per capita | 9.781 |
Context details | Slightly larger schools with similar infrastructure than schools located in urban and semi-rural part of the country |
Age | Grade 7 |
Implementation year | 2011 |
Implementer | Researchers |
Duration (months) | 3 |
Cost | The annualized cost per student of equipment deployment assuming that the program was scaled over the 5 years was $130.4 USD |
Intervention details | The program provided a laptop for every child in the classroom; teachers received manuals, student workbooks and training; 15 schools participated |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | School |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Grade 7 | Math | Researchers design | 9 | 1945 | Coeff: -35.50; SE: 9.10; SD: 100.00 |