Learning in secondary > Technology (eLS) > Angrist 2002 ii
Detailed Information
Country | Country: Israel |
GDP per capita | 20.618 |
Context details | Religious and secular Jewish schools |
Age | Grade 8 |
Implementation year | 1994 |
Implementer | Government |
Duration (months) | 13 |
Cost | Programme schools received an average of about 40 computers for a cost of $120,000 per school, which would pay wages of up to 4 teachers in Israel |
Intervention details | Program focused on computerization of the education system, which included teacher training and procurement of hardware and software |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | School |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Grade 8 | Language | National standardized exams | N/A | 2593 | Coeff: 0.60; SE: 3.70; SD: 100.00 |
Grade 8 | Math | National standardized exams | N/A | 2621 | Coeff: -0.14; SE: 6.40; SD: 100.00 |