Country | Country: Mexico |
GDP per capita | 10.616 |
Context details | Schools with only one session per day held during the morning |
Age | Grades 10-12 |
Implementation year | 2008 |
Implementer | Government |
Duration (months) | 9 |
Cost | The cost per student was $2,080, about 10 percent of the current per-student annual expenditure. |
Intervention details | Students received payments ranging $249-$1491 for staying at the same level or improving the level that they achieved on the baseline test |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | School |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Grade 10; cohort 2 | Math | CENEVAL math test | 7 | 7515 | Coeff: 27.20; SE: 4.63; SD: 100.00 |
Grade 10; cohort 1 | Math | CENEVAL math test | 7 | 6171 | Coeff: 15.30; SE: 5.02; SD: 100.00 |
Grade 11 | Math | CENEVAL math test | N/A | 6210 | Coeff: 9.21; SE: 5.62; SD: 100.00 |
Grade 12 | Math | CENEVAL math test | N/A | 6489 | Coeff: 10.90; SE: 6.86; SD: 100.00 |
Grade 10; cohort 3 | Math | CENEVAL math test | 7 | 9716 | Coeff: 28.20; SE: 4.67; SD: 100.00 |