Learning in secondary > Information on returns (eLS) > Fryer 2013
Detailed Information
Country | Country: United States |
GDP per capita | 52.569 |
Context details | Public school students, 85% eligible for free or reduce-price lunch, from Oklahoma City |
Age | Grades 6, 7 |
Implementation year | 2010 |
Implementer | Researchers |
Duration (months) | 9 |
Cost | Total cost of implementation was approximately $369,365 - or $251.27 per student (excluding potentially billable hours of the advertising firm) |
Intervention details | Students received a cell phone and daily informational text messages about the link between education and future outcomes |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | Individual |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Grades 6, 7 | Math | Oklahoma Core Curriculum CRT | 4 | 927 | Coeff: -2.70; SE: 3.90; SD: 100.00 |
Grades 6, 7 | Language | Oklahoma Core Curriculum CRT | 4 | 927 | Coeff: 4.00; SE: 4.10; SD: 100.00 |