Country | Country: Mexico |
GDP per capita | 9.630 |
Context details | Rural public small schools located in a small communities (about 1000 inhabitants); the average poverty rate in these localities was 62% |
Age | N/A |
Implementation year | 2010 |
Implementer | Government |
Duration (months) | 9 |
Cost | N/A |
Intervention details | Federal hiring program of public school teachers based on national standardized test open to prospective, temporary employed or part-time teachers |
Evaluation design | Differences-in-differences |
Cluster definition | School |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Grade 9 | Language | Standardized test ENLACE | 5 | 8365 | Coeff: 30.66; SE: 11.21; SD: 100.00 |
Grade 9 | Math | Standardized test ENLACE | 5 | 8365 | Coeff: 52.00; SE: 15.97; SD: 100.00 |