Formality > Technical skills in-classroom training (eAF) > Hirshleifer 2016

Detailed Information

Country: Türkiye
GDP per capita
Context details
Targeted general unemployed population, with at least primary education, and meet other skill pre-requisites
>=15, mean: 27
Implementation year
Duration (months)
The mean cost of a course is 1574 Turkish Lira (TL) per person. In addition to this, participants receive a stipend of 15 TL per day. The total cost to the government of providing a course thus averages 2,429 TL per person (USD 1,619)
Intervention details
Participants choose vocational training in a wide range of courses. Offered by both private and public providers
Evaluation design
Randomized evaluation
Cluster definition
Sample Outcome Test Source Table Observations Statistics on Effects
Complete sample Formal employment N/A 4 5702 Coeff: -0.01; SE:0.01; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Formal employment N/A 5 5702 Coeff: 0.00; SE:0.03; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Formal employment N/A 5 5702 Coeff: 0.02; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Formal employment N/A 5 5702 Coeff: 0.02; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Formal employment N/A 3 5702 Coeff: 0.02; SE:0.01; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Formal employment N/A 5 5702 Coeff: 0.05; SE:0.03; SD: 100.00