Country | Country: El Salvador |
GDP per capita | 1.603 |
Context details | Individuals who wish to start a business or individuals who already have a business in Central America that volunteered to participate |
Age | average: 36.13 |
Implementation year | 2002 |
Implementer | International, local |
Duration (months) | N/A |
Cost | N/A |
Intervention details | Business planning, business concepts, industry analysis, market analysis, descriptions of product/service, marketing, sales projection, operations, organization and administration, financial projections |
Evaluation design | Regression discontinuity |
Cluster definition | N/A |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Complete sample | Entry | Business creation | 6 | 150 | Coeff: 0.47; SE: 0.18 |