Country | Country: Peru |
GDP per capita | 4.196 |
Context details | Female micro-entrepreneurs in Lima, Peru, that volunteered to participate |
Age | average: 43 |
Implementation year | 2009 |
Implementer | International, Local |
Duration (months) | 3 |
Cost | N/A |
Intervention details | personal development, business development and management and productivity improvements, deal with personal issues, examine the strengths and weaknesses of the womens businesses, and discuss adjustments/innovations, investment working groups |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | N/A |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Complete sample | Productivity | Monthly Productivity residual | 3 | 1099 | Coeff: 0.12; SE: 0.06 |
Complete sample | Size (Capital) | Capital (log) | 3 | 1136 | Coeff: 0.04; SE: 0.20 |
Complete sample | Size (Labor) | Number of employees | 3 | 1126 | Coeff: -0.10; SE: 0.07 |