Country | Country: Ecuador |
GDP per capita | 3.095 |
Context details | Disadvantaged households with children aged 11-16; households were in the poorest 2 quintiles of the population, residents in one of 4 provinces |
Age | Grades 5-10 |
Implementation year | 2003 |
Implementer | Government |
Duration (months) | 18 |
Cost | N/A |
Intervention details | The Bono de Desarrollo Humano program provided mothers with monthly unconditional cash transfers of $19 (7% of monthly household expenditures) |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | Geographic area |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Grades 5-10 | Enrollment | N/A | N/A | N/A | Coeff: 6.20; SE: 2.00; SD: 100.00 |