Country | Country: United States |
GDP per capita | 47.564 |
Context details | Children with normal birthweight and no impairments residents in Cleveland |
Age | At birth - 9 months |
Implementation year | 1999 |
Implementer | Other |
Duration (months) | 36 |
Cost | N/A |
Intervention details | Families received 2 home visits in the first month and monthly visits and group meetings thereafter |
Evaluation design | Randomized evaluation |
Cluster definition | Individual |
Sample | Outcome | Test | Source Table | Observations | Statistics on Effects |
Complete sample | Cognitive | KABS-simultaneous processing | 2 | 331 | YT1: 107.77; YC1: 107.77; SDT1: 15.33; SDC1: 14.99; NT1: 161; NC1: 170 |
Complete sample | Cognitive | KABS-mental processing | 2 | 295 | YT1: 109.13; YC1: 109.13; SDT1: 14.47; SDC1: 14.06; NT1: 141; NC1: 154 |
Complete sample | Cognitive | KABC-sequential processing | 2 | 298 | YT1: 105.91; YC1: 105.91; SDT1: 14.66; SDC1: 14.13; NT1: 142; NC1: 156 |