Adult employment > Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAEM) > Ibarraran 2014

Detailed Information

Country: Dominican Republic
GDP per capita
Context details
Youth who did not complete high school
16-29, mean: 22
Implementation year
Duration (months)
The average cost of this program was about USD 700, of which USD 200 were transfers to participants as stipend for transportation and meals
Intervention details
Soft skills training (self- esteem and work habits), and technical or vocational training chosen by beneficiaries´ preferred vocation. The classroom training is followed by an internship in a private sector firm
Evaluation design
Randomized evaluation
Cluster definition
Sample Outcome Test Source Table Observations Statistics on Effects
Complete sample Employment N/A 5 3520 Coeff: -0.03; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 8 3520 Coeff: -0.02; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 5 3520 Coeff: -0.02; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 5 3520 Coeff: -0.01; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 8 3520 Coeff: -0.01; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 5 3520 Coeff: -0.00; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 5 3520 Coeff: 0.00; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Employment N/A 8 3520 Coeff: 0.01; SE:0.02; SD: 100.00