Adult earnings > Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) > Hendra 2016 ii

Detailed Information

Country: United States
GDP per capita
Context details
18 years old and older in general (female or male), economically disadvantaged, and with some basic education
mean: 35
Implementation year
Duration (months)
The average cost was USD 6,666 per participant
Intervention details
Provided in-house environmental remediation training
Evaluation design
Randomized evaluation
Cluster definition
Sample Outcome Test Source Table Observations Statistics on Effects
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Earnings N/A 3 384 Coeff: -304.00; p-value: 0.85
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Earnings N/A 3 384 Coeff: -253.00; p-value: 0.80
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Earnings N/A 5 384 Coeff: -201.00; Sig: Not significant; SD: 100.00
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Earnings N/A 5 384 Coeff: -195.00; Sig: Not significant; SD: 100.00
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Hourly Wage N/A 5 384 Coeff: -0.27; Sig: Not significant; SD: 100.00
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Earnings per week N/A 5 384 Coeff: 16.00; Sig: Not significant; SD: 100.00
New York City - Saint Nicks Alliance Earnings N/A 3 384 Coeff: 191.00; p-value: 0.89