Adult earnings > Technical skills in-classroom training (eAE) > Hendra 2016 i

Detailed Information

Country: United States
GDP per capita
Context details
18 years old and older in general (female or male), economically disadvantaged, and with some basic education
mean: 31
Implementation year
Duration (months)
The average cost was USD 5,754 per participant
Intervention details
Provided in-house information technology (IT) training and job placement services focused in the IT sector
Evaluation design
Randomized evaluation
Cluster definition
Sample Outcome Test Source Table Observations Statistics on Effects
New York City - Per Scholas Hourly Wage N/A 5 552 Coeff: 2.38; Sig: Significant at 1%; SD: 100.00
New York City - Per Scholas Earnings per week N/A 5 552 Coeff: 98.00; Sig: Significant at 1%; SD: 100.00
New York City - Per Scholas Earnings N/A 2 552 Coeff: 150.00; p-value: 0.85
New York City - Per Scholas Earnings N/A 5 552 Coeff: 1,351.00; Sig: Significant at 5%; SD: 100.00
New York City - Per Scholas Earnings N/A 2 552 Coeff: 3,744.00; p-value: 0.00
New York City - Per Scholas Earnings N/A 2 552 Coeff: 4,829.00; p-value: 0.00
New York City - Per Scholas Earnings N/A 5 552 Coeff: 5,186.00; Sig: Significant at 5%; SD: 100.00