Adult earnings > Technical and soft skills in-classroom and OJT training (eAE) > Attanasio 2011

Detailed Information

Country: Colombia
GDP per capita
Context details
Urban unemployed youth in the two lowest socioeconomic strata of the population
18-25, mean: 21.1
Implementation year
Duration (months)
The program spent USD 60 million or USD 750 per participant
Intervention details
Provided 3 months of technical and soft skills in-classroom training at private institutions and 3 months of on-the-job training. Participants were able to select the specific course from a list
Evaluation design
Randomized evaluation
Cluster definition
Sample Outcome Test Source Table Observations Statistics on Effects
Complete sample Montly income N/A 1 3956 Coeff: -9,836.00; SE:22,320.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Monthly earnings N/A 4 3956 Coeff: 13,690.00; SE:12,819.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Montly income N/A 1 3956 Coeff: 23,053.00; SE:16,453.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Monthly earnings N/A 4 3956 Coeff: 34,668.00; SE:9,743.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Total Formal Income N/A 3 3956 Coeff: 35,126.00; SE:18,597.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Total Formal Income N/A 2 3956 Coeff: 35,331.00; SE:10,766.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Total Formal Income N/A 3 3956 Coeff: 35,495.00; SE:12,421.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Montly income N/A 1 3956 Coeff: 70,861.00; SE:23,355.00; SD: 100.00