Adult earnings > Job training with other services (eAE) > Corson 1996

Detailed Information

Country: United States
GDP per capita
Context details
Unemployed people of 25 years or older
mean: 43.2
Implementation year
Duration (months)
The average cost per participant was USD 2,723
Intervention details
Participants were offered job search assistance combined with technical training or geographical relocation assistance (only one)
Evaluation design
Randomized evaluation
Cluster definition
Sample Outcome Test Source Table Observations Statistics on Effects
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: -149.00; SE:296.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: -67.00; SE:362.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: -2.00; SE:328.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Quarterly earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 28.00; SE:77.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 57.00; SE:341.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 283.00; SE:373.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Quarterly earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 2,442.00; SE:2,616.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 11,601.00; SE:10,257.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 11,996.00; SE:13,613.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 12,184.00; SE:13,003.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 12,444.00; SE:12,340.00; SD: 100.00
Complete sample Annual earnings N/A N/A 6195 Coeff: 12,678.00; SE:11,872.00; SD: 100.00